Saksun - Magnusarrók, Skoradalur og Lógv

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Difficult Hike
6 - 10 KM

When and where

When:                  From April 1. to September 23.

Meeting point:    "Svartá" in Saksun

Participants:       Minimum 5  -  maximum 15

Age limit:            15 years old

Lenght:               10 KM

Duration:             Approximately 6 hours

Price:                   1200 DKK per person

After the hike it's possible to buy waffles and coffee from the farmerlady in "Dúvugørðum". Price: 65 DKK.


Join us on this exclusive tour in the spellbound nature in Saksun. Together with an experienced guide, you will walk safely through the incredible nature and besides getting a fantastic view, you will also get the chance to enjoy the quietness and the animal- and birdlife in the area.

The tour will start in Saksun, by “Svartá”. From there we will walk up over “Pollin” and “Ósan”. The view from here is very special, and you will see some incredible sceneries from a different angle. We will then walk through “Gróvdal”, where the magnificent view is over “Lónna”. From there we go west towards “Skoradalur” and out on “Magnussarrók” (466m). When we have reached “Skoradalur” we will start walking towards “Lónni”. We will stop on the sand before continuing the walk up to the village.

Guides: Gurið Lómfelli +298251348 and Irdi Jacobsen +298523100

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Current weather

Streymnes 5,5 m/s 11,2° West 14,7 m/s 01:30

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Image: Ari Samson
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