Vatnsdalsvatn - the hearth shaped lake

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2 - 5 KM
Pref. Wind:

When and where

Starting point: parking lot, Bøur

When: Tuesday and Friday at 10 am.

Duration: approx. 4 hours.

Price: 598 DKK per person.

Included: Guided hike, lunch and beverages.


Your tour guide, who is also the owner of the land, will greet you in the village Bøur. After a few words you will start your hike into the wilderness. Since it's the farmers land he knows these hills like the back of his hand.

The hill is steep, so you will most likely get sore legs, but that is all forgotten when you see the magnificent lake - shaped like a heart.

Once back in the village Bøur, your guide will invite you inside his "hjallur", which is an open traditional storehouse. Here you will sit down and taste some local produced lunch, including traditional fermented food. 

A once in a lifetime experience!


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Current weather

Vatnsoyrar 2,0 m/s 5,0° North 4,0 m/s 14:55

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Image: Ari Samson
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